I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


 I likes to take stuff apart.
I don't iron very often. Wrinkly things are mostly fine with me. Besides, turning on an iron in my house can potentially be dangerous.

Many years ago, when I was in high school I think, my dad (shown in the photo at about age 3 or 4 I'm guessing) "fixed" our iron. After the fixing we could never turn it off so had to unplug it. I think Dad may have similarly fixed our toaster around that time. So I adopted what is actually a good safety habit of unplugging appliances immediately after use.

But for some reason last night I plugged in my iron, fully intending to iron a pair of khakis and then my mind wandered off to some other activity and I turned off the light and went upstairs, completely forgetting the intention to iron! A good half-hour later, I was sitting here, tap-tap-tapping on my computer, trying to get a head start on an assignment for my writing group and I suddenly remembered the iron. Alarmed, I sniffed the air while running downstairs, where I discovered the iron was warm, but not hot. It didn't turn itself off but at least wasn't burning a hole through the ironing board.

Domestic goddess that I am, I kind of suck at ironing anyway. And now I'm hungry for toast.

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