I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Okay bokay

Fragrant bouquet from farmers market. 2010.
Pretty funny how language evolves, isn't it? I always chuckle when I see bouquet spelled "bokay" on a florist's sign. My farmers market friend Maryiln gave me this pretty bunch of flowers and herbs last weekend and they're still pretty perky.

I do not have a single interesting thing to share today. Not yet anyway. I have a code id by dose and feel very poo-ish.

Oh! The walk was lovely yesterday. All my parts were sore toward the end, but it was lovely to spend the afternoon out in the fresh air. It took my mind off my dripping nose and the elephant sitting on my chest.

Well then. Happy Monday. Sneeze atcha later.

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