I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Losing gracefully

Well, we made through about six rounds in the Bee. The losing word this year?


Seriously. It's not in my dictionary. Spell check doesn't recognize it. I had to Google it when we got back to the office.

Still, it seemed easy enough to sound out. The team huddled for a moment to discuss strategy. I just needed to say each letter slowly and carefully.

I forgot the "s" - though I was certain I'd said it in my head.

And I think I may have said "able." But all I remember saying is, "Crap!" right into the microphone when I heard the groans and judge Johnny Burke's buzzer.

Oh well. Money was raised for the Imagination Library (most importantly), we had a good time and the Writers' Block got some new fashion accessories!

1 comment:

  1. Aw. cute!!! Adorable! I LOVE it! The picture of the blockheads will certainly be going up on the fridge.

    That imprescriptible--golly! I've never heard of it before and like you said, "spell check doesn't recognize it" because as I type away at this comment now, it is underlined in red :( At least we're increasing our vocabularies. I am definitely adding this one to the brain as soon as I get hold of its definition.

    Go team! What a super-duper-ific job--6 rounds of pure awesomeness and spelling like a maniac...and for the the IMAGINATION LIBRARY (whoops! I almost said "station." hehehee. Mark Kistler... :)

    Great post as always mama Nancy!


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