I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Warning: Lazy day ahead. Intervention may be needed.

It's entirely possible this is not going to be a terribly productive day. I had such high hopes, but it's still gloomy and cold and drizzly out, and then there's the whole lack of sleep thing this week, plus the new Anne Lamott book I just picked up at the library and the Season 1 Gilmore Girls DVD I got from Netflix. And the very furry and always cuddle-ready Claudette. All signs are pointing toward vegetative behavior.

For some odd reason, I haven't been sleeping well this week. Thursday night was the worst. I woke up at 3 a.m. and then again at 5 and 6. When I dragged my butt out of bed at 7:10 (I've calculated this allows me ample time to roll out of bed, drink at least one cup of coffee while reading Misty's blog, shower and dress and get out the door with wet hair by about 7:47), I fed Claudette and then stood in the kitchen for a few minutes trying to decide if disrupted sleep was a good enough excuse to call in. If I went back to bed for even an hour, I told myself, that could make a world of difference. But self, I thought, we might go to lunch today.

I'm a sucker for lunch.

So I continued on with the morning routine and would have made it to the office on time if I hadn't stopped at the bank first. I punched in at 8:03. Not bad. The day just sort of plodded along. The rainy weather called for ordering in Chinese food for lunch. (My rule is that it has to be cold or rainy to have Chinese food. If it's warm and sunny, we have to do something else. I don't know what they do on China on sunny days.)

Uh oh. Claudette is getting into extreme snuggle position. Alert! Alert!

After work yesterday, the youth and youthful of our church hosted an intergenerational Wii night. So even though I would have loved to have gone home and crawled under the covers, I scurried to the church to put out my trays of veggies and fresh fruit to counteract the inevitable chips and cheese puffs others would be bringing. We had around 22 people - not bad for our first time and just the bare minimum of promotion and planning. We played golf, Guitar Hero, bowling, Whack-a-Mole, badminton, some sort of dancing revolution thing, volleyball and more. I enjoyed singing Beatles songs at the top of my lungs with Jacob.

When I got home a little after 11, I was tingly with the prospect of blissful, uninterrupted sleep and sleeping in a tiny bit, AND then maybe a late afternoon nap. But first, a little reading of Imperfect Birds, and then sleep, glorious sleep.

Apparently, Mother Nature decided to throw a tsunami at mid-Michigan during the night and I was awakened around 4 a.m. to the tinkly sound of bells in the dining room telling me that the wind had blown the windows open.

Stop looking at me, Claudette. I'm going to get up any minute now. Just one more cup of coffee.

So, I hauled my sleepy self up, thumped into the dining room to shut the windows and then shoved the table up against them so they'd stay put. This throws the dining room's Feng Shui off balance but it does the trick. Checked the living room and library windows and then went back to bed. If you scroll back up and look at the photo of the library, you can sort of see the design of the windows. I love them even though they open inward and very inconveniently blow open during tsunamis and are NOT energy-efficient and the peely paint collects in the window wells and they need to be scraped and sanded and painted again. I don't love that. But these windows have character.

My house oozes character.

I woke up at least two other times after the windows and then slept until 10:17. I hadn't meant to sleep that late, geez.

All righty. The bells are ringing. I'm peeling back the covers. Wish me luck.


  1. LOVE this post! I miss our lazy weekend days together :( I've got the comfy bed, the books, and a cat here too but still not quite the same without our contagious procrastination. haha. Love you and hope to see you soon :)

  2. Aw. Love, Love, LOVE this post! A combination of lazy day fun, Chinese food, Claudie, Lizz commenting before me, and such a lovely written and comforting story! mmm...can't wait until our next story time! :)


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