I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hola cannola

Or maybe I shoulda said, "Adios." But that doesn't rhyme.

I enjoyed a cannola (singular for cannoli, the delectable Italian confections stuffed with sweetened ricotta and chocolate and dipped in lovely ground almonds) from Bommarito Bakery in St. Clair Shores for breakfast. What a yummy start to the day.

Wha ... 11-ish isn't the start of the day? Seriously? Does it count that I ate well over an hour ago? That I put the coffee on at 8:30? Does that count?

My lifelong friend, Netty, brought cannoli plus a big loaf of many-grained bread when she visited the other day. Now those are essential elements of a balanced diet, don't you think?

Claudette and I are thinking. Strategizing about our day. We just happen to be doing this brain work in a place most conducive to maximizing the strategic potential. I have a graduation party to go to at 1:00-ish and was thinking I had just enough time to do some yard/house stuff.

I'm thinking about hosing down the front of the house and doing a little scraping and paint prep. I bought the paint last Sunday - Roycroft Copper Red from the Sherwin-Williams Arts & Crafts collection. I am now officially committed to this painting thing.

Ugh. I just caught and crushed another ant. That's the fourth this morning. What is up with that? I don't see where they're coming in but they keep appearing, seemingly out of nowhere. And they're big enough that I see them creeping along the lampshade or pillow or a book or up the curtain - out of the corner of my eye. Ew.

O.     K.    Here ...... I ....... go ...... off to be semi-productive ...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that cannola was the singular form of cannoli, but then again, I didn't know that cannoli was the plural form of the tasty Italian dessert.

    awww, claudiee! I miss our cute feline friend.

    Oooh, your painting the porch ROYCROFT COPPER RED?? I absolutely LOVE the color red!!! Please post pictures of the completed painting job when you finish. That would be delightful!

    Likes about this post: mentioning of cannola, your lifelong friend Netty--I like this idea of a "lifelong friend," Claudette, and the words yummy and conducive.


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