I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Listing to the left

A list. In honor of ... Monday.

1. We went to France for dinner last Tuesday.

OK fine. Not really. It was the creperie in Frankenmuth. Because Little Bavaria is where you expect to experience authentic crepes (pronounced CREHPS - not CRAPES) served in darling little paper cones just like the street vendors in Paris serve them. Friends K and B and I have been doing a culinary world tour thing on Tuesday nights. We've been to Mexico, Japan, India, Greece and France. We're running out of countries to visit here in the Great Lakes Bay region.

2. I made some new friends while in Frankenmuth. I think the big guy above fell in love with me. He kept calling to me from afar. Or maybe he was squawking at me to stay far away.

The one below looks overly suspicious.

3. Last year, when Lizz worked at the zoo, I got to share in the excitement of the arrival of new baby peafowl. I thought they should be called peewees.

4. There are two scrawny gray kittens outside my window. Anyone need a cat?

5. My editor is stripey and not-so-scrawny. She is keeping my elbow warm.

6. It seems freakishly cold for June 7. But baybe dat is because I hab a code id by dose.

7. I hate cleaning the litter box.

8. Nobody (audibly) farted at yoga tonight. And I only fell over once. Er - twice. But we were doing a lot of crazy balancing stuff.

9. After injuring myself during a photo shoot a couple of years ago, I took some time off from doing handstands. That made me sad because I used to do handstands a lot. Like at work in the afternoons to bring the blood back to my head. This is me doing a handstand against a tree - a bit crookedly - at Parc Güell  in Barcelona. That was just a little over five years ago. I'm so excited that I'm working my way up to doing handstands again, safely, in my yoga class! I just found a video on this page that shows how we're doing it. (Scroll down.) It also has some good info about the benefits. 

10. Some of the items on my Life List include doing handstands in famous parks around the world. One of these days, I'll post the list. You can go look at Margaret Mason's, which has some pretty big corporate sponsors. Very cool.

All righty. I need to go get Vernor's and toast and cut this sore throat off at the pass. Or something.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! This is AWESOME! I have never done a handstand before or have been able to complete one after many attempts. I'll keep trying though. I'm going to take a look at that video you linked up on the page about how to do handstands. I used to do them against the wall and that seemingly was the only way that I could stay up. hehehe

    The baby peafowl is adorable. I like it, but I have never seen one before. That's neat-o the zoo had it.

    mmm, crepes (pronounced CREHPS not CRAPES as my little sis who studied french always reminded me) sounds delicious right about now. Yet again, your words or just the mention of food makes me hungry.

    The Life List sounds AWESOME. I'm going to get mine started.

    Hope the sore throat healed after the Vernor's and toast. Also, I wonder about the ginger ale and saltines remedy...was watching a movie the other night. One of the characters was throwing up, so her parents said they would bring some of the items listed above. Before I watched the movie, I would always hear about the saltines and ginger ale stuff. It sort of sounds good right about now too...

    The whole fizzy Vernor's drink and toast just sounds delicious! Gotta go get some food to eat!


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