I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have lived

What? Overly dramatic? I'm still living, of course. And don't plan on stopping anytime soon. It was just something that occurred to me as I was reading Traveling with Pomegranates. (See ... I know I took the pictures of the wrinkly pomegranates for a reason last fall. It seemed random, but noooo ... I was totally thinking about Demeter and Persephone.)

I started reading TWP right after Lizz got here for our mini mom-daughter vacation, but then picked up The Help, which I didn't put down again until I finished it, less than two days later. I'd been meaning to read it since it came out early last year. I finally snitched it from my sister, who had borrowed it from a mutual friend.

But back to living. Earlier this evening as I was reading, I noted that I was applying a type of filter of life experience that I tend to apply as I consider what I'm reading. Not always, but often enough that I found it notable. And I thought back to when I was a freshman in college and was in some class or another and needed to have deep philosophical discussions and I remember thinking to myself: I don't know what I think about that! I haven't lived yet! I have nothing to compare it to! I wish I could remember what the topic was, because I generally wasn't short on opinions. But in this case, my context and my worldview seemed so limited, and I thought it was unfair to be expected to have a position on whatever in the world that was. I remember feeling very small and kind of stupid. And before that, I had never felt that way.

I felt a little like that a few other times in early college years but I haven't in a long, long time.

So, speaking about the world, I think I'm going to go see Eat, Pray, Love ... maybe with my sister. I'm waiting for her to call. I enjoyed the book, and I just watched the trailer online and now have a hankerin' to go get lost in Italy, India and Bali.

Hmmm. It's Thursday. I have this recipe that I've had scribbled down next to the computer for a few months that I keep meaning to try. It's for a vegetarian antipasto. Here it is - and if you make it, will you promise to tell me about it or invite me over? I'll bring the wine!

Vegetarian Antipasto
Baby eggplant, halved and scored

Brush with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground pepper, then grill 'em. I don't know how long. I did not write this down. Six minutes per side? Does that sound good?

Put grilled eggplant on serving platter and rub with a garlic clove, then top with fresh parsley, oregano and hot pepper flakes - all to taste.

Serve with grilled tomatoes, smoked mozzarella (balls or slices) and marinated artichokes. I imagine roasted peppers would be yummy too. And olives. And other marinated/grilled/roasted things. Do it up. Live a little.

1 comment:

  1. We be over for egg plant next week. We will discuss Sigmund Fraud. Randy will bring cigars and I will bring the wine!


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