I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hola, Amigos!

I've now had a couple of experiences with the little Amigo mobility scooters (manufactured right here in Saginaw County dontcha know). A couple of weeks ago, we went to Target to get laundry detergent and other necessary stuff. I was reluctant to try the Amigo because the last user hadn't plugged in the single remaining unit tucked behind the carts so I was afraid it would poop out and leave me stranded. Guess what? Good instincts. The battery died in the detergent aisle. So I crutchered the rest of the way through the store, with Sharon pushing the cart. Man, did my arms hurt.

Then, before the Elizabeths came home last weekend, Doctor Jake took me to Kroger so I could re-stock the fridge and pantry with some basics and especially college student food. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our new Kroger maintains a whole fleet of Amigos. Wheeeeeeeeeee! I'll admit it was sort of fun. I'm very thankful that Kroger cares enough to keep their Amigos in good working order. And that other place? I'll just say they really missed the mark in the accessibility department.

So, we're off to Kroger again in a little bit, for another Amigo ride to pick up refreshments for the Star FK Radium concert at church this afternoon. 4:00 p.m. - State Street United Methodist Church, 3617 Mackinaw in Saginaw. Hope to see a lot of amigos and amigas there.


  1. I'll stay tuned to hear all about the concert today! Had planned to attend but I'm very much under the weather, so I'm consoling myself with a nice hot cup of tea and Shiny Things! Mmmmmmm . . . now this is contentment!


  2. I am sorry to hear about your experience with the Amigo battery dying at Target, but I am so glad to hear the Amigos worked well at Kroger! I'm Jennifer Thieme, from Amigo Mobility. Unfortunately, most of Target's Amigo Shoppers are older models, they haven't purchased any Amigo Shoppers since 2004. But Kroger does take good care of their Amigos. If you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me at jthieme@myamigo.com. We also have Amigos (smaller and faster than grocery store models) available to rent or buy if you need one outside the store. Thanks for mentioning Amigo!


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