I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Gimme a V, gimme an A, gimme a C-A-


My vacation begins today! A wide open schedule and nine days of mother-daughterness!

I'm working on random house stuff this morning, then will meet a friend for lunch en route to Ann Arbor.

Lizz and I don't have any plans at present to go anywhere - other than the youth canoe trip next weekend. But I think we're both looking forward to hanging out, sleeping in, watching movies, doing some girly stuff and just all-around catching up. It's like we're each at least a quart low and need a fillerup with one another and our family here. It's also our big breather before the busy fall schedule takes over in just a few weeks.

I can't wait.


  1. yay yay yay yay yay!!!! i agree that we need a filler-up :)

  2. Patty PignatelliFriday, August 20, 2010

    Awesome you have a great time on your vaca....yes I agree with your a re-fuel is always a good thing!! ENJOY!!!

  3. awww! I super like this post. What a great picture of you and Lizz. yay! mother-daughterness bonding time sounds like a whole lotta fun! :)


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