I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A whole new day

There's that silent "w" again. What's up with that?

I have been trying to post for about an hour now. This creaky old computer really wants to interfere with the flow of my creative juices - and the serenity of my day. I'm not gonna let it.

Of course, I have several essential things to share today.

As I was sitting here, looking out the window while waiting for the computer to get its poop in a group and listening to the glorious sounds of the dishwasher doing its job, I saw an exceptionally large woman in a motorized wheelchair zoom up my street. She was dressed in bright yellow and carried a pink pocketbook. There's a story there. I'm sure of it.

I think the Earth turned on its axis several times while I was waiting for the computer to load and do all its whoziwhatsits. I am now 492 years old. As I sit here aging gracefully, the mail lady pulled in to the parking lot to make her deliveries to the law firm next door. I started to type "law farm." Ha. I liked the jaunty little hat she was wearing. Maybe "jaunty" is the wrong word. It looked like one of those cute felted wool hats with a longish brim. Not quite jaunty. Definitely not postal.

It's drippy and dribbly out there. Perfect conditions for sleeping in, reading and contemplating one's navel, don't you think?

I'm reading a new book that Lizz brought home for me - Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and her daughter, Ann Kidd Taylor. No, not that Ann Taylor. I started reading it last night but then got back into it this morning. Figured I'd do a "quick" little post and then get back to it. 1.5 hours later ...

Seriously. I am about to drop-kick this CPU. It took me six tries to hyperlink that title up there. I may be technologically impaired and have no idea how all this stuff works, but I have no patience for defective digital thingamabobs.

I'm pretty sure I need an iPad. So I can have something new to yell at.

I really am a pretty peaceful person. Perhaps not patient, but basically peace-loving.

Finally, I was completely thrilled to discover when I got home last night that I gained a new "follower"!
I try not to have blog envy when I note that Misty has 59 followers after just five months. Perhaps that can be attributed to her rather clear editorial purpose. And consistent posting. And a few other things. Still.

Some guy wearing khaki shorts and a green t-shirt is carrying a cup of take-out coffee and entering the law farm. Big doings on a Saturday.

I'm so glad it's Saturday. I'm so glad I'm on vacation. I have not only a whole new day ahead, but a whole week of Saturdays! I feel like Jake!

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