I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It was just $1

How often do you buy things because you just CANNOT pass up that great deal?

I bought this slightly frazzled Bromeliad at Lowe's back in May. It looked like it needed some loving. And oh, great googly-moogly. IT WAS A BUCK.

But of course if I had a dollar for every time I took advantage of a super deal and purchased something I really didn't need? I'd be a wealthy woman. 

Hold on. Gotta go throw in a load of laundry. Claudette erped on the guest room bed again. Don't you want to come stay at my B&B? Thought so.

I'm back. Miss me? I decided to clean the litterbox while I was down in the laundry room. Blech.

Do you love my peely window? Do you love it so much you'd like to come and help me scrape and paint???

I have discovered that there is a direct correlation between me actually posting something here and people stopping by to read my posts. Go figure! Last month, when I so faithfully spewed out some words every single day, many of you faithfully visited. And then I got a little lazy in the first week or so of August. I had a really good excuse the first several days (see last post for Exhibit A). And the past few days my computer has just been really poopy and slow.

I must tell you, I was honored and very humbled to discover that my friend Deb was actually inspired by my daily postings last month. She began this month pledging to do the same with her blog and I only stumbled upon that post the other day. Obviously, I've not been keeping up with my reading list. Shame on me. For so many months, I faithfully read at least a half dozen blogs a day. I was inspired by Pioneer Woman, amused and entertained by Dooce and June Gardens, awed by Dan Denardo (and a little envious of all his fabulous travels). Over the past couple of weeks I've kept up with Misty and that's about it. My days have been overfull with extracurricular projects. And like I said ... poopy computer syndrome.

Will I have something to say tomorrow? Well, I guess we'll just have to find out. Perhaps I'll reinstitute recipe day.


  1. ooh. Recipe day-- great idea! Yum!

  2. Yeah ... I need to get back to that. For a few months I was in the habit of posting recipes on Thursdays. This week just got away from me! But I came across a yummy one I'll share this week.


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