I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Random List Monday

Hey, Hawee, I tink we need a caption.
I'm going to take a tiny break from the 19750475092475209874597 chapters of the tale of my French adventures. My shiny ramblings are bad enough without subjecting you to my "oh look, a chicken!" writing process. I hope to have the post in shape by the weekend. If I don't have to bring work home again. We'll see. No promises.

So that means I have to do something else in this space today. I'm thinking it's time for a random list.

I. The time change messes me up. It's only 8:30 as I write this and I'm ready for bed. When did I get so old?

II. I'm finally reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

III. I just finished The Geography of Bliss.

IV. I wish I could get paid for reading. And watching movies.

V. I got my hairs cut last week. I wonder if Edna will stop by to see if I write about her again.

VI. Claudette is sitting in the sink. I'm really not sure why.

VII. Cheeseburger Doritos are YUMMY. You can taste the ketchup, mustard and pickle. I may or may not have purchased a bag at the grocery store.

VIII. My friend MBG has started a new blog called Laundry First. You should check it out.

LXXXIV. Put the pedal adapter things on the clipless pedals on my Cannondale hybrid. I learned when I was working on my bike last month that the adapter things I bought a zillion years ago will never fit on those pedals. So I'm going to change this item on my list to:  Dust off Cannondale hybrid and take it for a ride ... and then cross it off the list! That's allowed, right? Of course it is. It's my list.

Gotta go. Stieg Larsson is calling. Happy Monday!

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