I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuneful Tuesday II

So it's certainly POSSIBLE that an elephant could have been at Jesus' birth, right? You don't usually hear about the pachyderms right over there next to the ox and ass. Though this elephant looks kind of fancy. Maybe he/she transported one of the Wise Persons.

I love crèches. I love the variety of interpretations of all those likely to have been there to welcome the savior of the world. My sister and two of my nieces have fairly elaborate crèches that depict not only the key players but also all of the others who may have been nearby. Like maybe an elephant - there to trumpet the Good News.

Doris is the winner of the Muzyka CD - last week's Tuneful Tuesday offer. I've been pondering what to offer this week ... and have to go get ready for work now so will have to post the plan tonight.

Happy Tuesday!

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