I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

An Abundance of Blessings

I promised to share more thankful thoughts today. Here they are ... and may you be blessed and thankful to the One who bestowed the blessings -  today and always, my dear readers.

This photo shows just a portion of the feast our Japanese exchange student and her sister prepared for our family a few years ago. Being a host family was such a lovely opportunity to extend our blessings to a young woman who ventured across the world from Japan to experience America. In so many ways, she knew more about our country and customs than we did! Midori experienced the full spectrum while she was here - school, sports, welcoming new babies into the world and saying good-bye to loved ones. Holidays. Birthdays. Weekends. Life. She truly became a part of our family. Seeing our lives and the little piece of our world through the eyes of someone from another country helped me to appreciate the abundance of blessings we're surrounded with here. For example, Midori was continually astounded at the wide-open spaces. I could go on, but I'll let others take a turn now ...

I am thankful that my daughter survived her parents' divorce without too much crap to deal with. She is still a very happy child, doing great in school, with lots of friends. I am thankful for her happiness. Anything else is icing on the cookies...
- Hulk 2.0

Oh my. What am I NOT thankful for. I am blessed beyond measure. Healthy children. Loving husband. A few dear friends (including one of whom might teach me how to make a decent pie crust?). Home. Food. Clothing. Not just enough, but plenty.
- Anonymous

I am really thankful that I get to spend the day at home relaxing. However, there will be many men and women in foreign countries, fighting so that we may continue to have freedom to stay at home and relax, that won't have this luxury. I am thankful to all of the service men and women---past and present---who so proudly represent the USA.
- CP

1. I am thankful for the many memories of my childhood - especially when I lived with my grandparents (Mama and Papa Darkey) in Virginia, and   with my Aunt Linda and Uncle Norman.
2. I am thankful for a brother that would have done anything in the world for me when I was young. He was and is still one of the kindest guys I have ever known.
3. I am thankful for a sister that is 14 years younger than me and has been a special part of my life since I was 14.Her intelligence and imagination has always amazed me. ( She got the brains and the creativity in the family)
4. I am thankful for her daughter lizzie that is in her second year at U of M. She is so smart and such a hard worker. I was thrilled to have them live so close to us fo so many years. Lizzie  and Nancy taught me so much.
5. I am thankful for my husband  John of almost 37 years that truly has loved me unconditionally and puts up with my crazy work schedule
6. I am thankful for the blessing of our three children that mean everything to us. And I truly was blessed when my daughter and son met their mates. Not only am I lucky I am extremely thankful. Their love has given us the most precious, normal and healthy  grandchildren that we have.

7. I am thankful for our three wonderful and beautiful grandchildren that are truly gifts from God.
8. I am thankful for a job that I love and for the people that Iwork with.
9. I am thankful for the gift of all my friends that had over the years.
10. I am thankful for the gift of each new day that I am given. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to live in a country like ours and to be me.
- SrShare

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Abundant blessings for sure! I am thankful first and foremost for existence. I need not exist. But this life that I have and all in it is such a wild gift from the Lord. A Lord and Savior. He who loves so abundantly chose to give me life and always His never ending love, mercy and justice. Even for the things I have not seen but am certain He has done for me.

    I am thankful for my wacky family. The mundane times, family holidays, vacations, our days together. I laugh the hardest... side splitting laughs. Always with my family.

    Grateful for my friends. They share their daily lives and troubles. They make me laugh, touch my heart, raise me and my dog.

    So many things. So much gratitude.
    In humble thanksgiving,

  2. On this very special day it is easy to be thankful for all our blessings and good fortune. Being rich in friends and family is greater than any monetary wealth. For this reason, I am grateful for you my life long friend.


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