I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Petrified Pomegranates for Your Ponderings?

One more day for Cookie for Your Thoughts ... I'm wondering if this offer would have elicited more responses if it wasn't so close to Thanksgiving?

So now I'm baking for Elizabeth (is it OK if I give you your cookies when you come home?) and Hulk, who has been such a good sport with commenting and with responding to my first weekly special in such a timely manner. I'm accepting entries until end of day tomorrow for one more cookie recipient. End of day means midnight EST. Whatever I find when I wake up Sunday morning when I have to get ready to bake. But this is your last reminder because tomorrow there will be a new special!

You know, November is National Pomegranate Month. I bought these lovely specimens back in October. And now they're petrified. Oh, don't worry. That won't be the special tomorrow. But if you have a hankering for petrified pomegranates, just let me know.

Happy Friday! Two weeks of posting daily! Are you more informed, inspired, enlightened or is your life otherwise positively impacted?

P.S. If you've been reading comments below the posts or in the right margin, nobody is swearing. I swear. At least not here. Or there.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm--yes, when i come home (in 5 days!!!) would be a perfect time for my cookies. :) Maybe we can just make them together and I'll bring them back to school. Also, those pomegranates are oh so sad :( I do hope they haven't been sitting on my banister for all that time and that was just for a photo op. lol


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