I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Write Word

When I first started my job as a copywriter about nine years ago, I learned early the lesson that my writing didn't need to be Pulitzer-prize-worthy ... just appropriate to the job at hand. I had to adopt a "just do it" mentality - just put some words on paper. Get them out there and then deal with them. I've become braver and braver as time goes on - allowing clients to sometimes experience a bit of the creative process and see some of my early drafts. I throw some combinations of words out there - like tracer bullets, as Scott used to say - and see if I'm headed in the right direction. Or if I even have the right target in my sights.

When I began blogging early this year, believe it or not, I took a little more time with each post. Drafting, writing, editing ... and sometimes I'd go back after I posted and change a word or fix line spacing. But part of the global appeal of this genre - the Web Log (aka blog) is its authenticity. I'm just writing from my own perspective, of course, but I think it's partly the fun of being part of a conversation. Creating community and making connections. 

I'm sure all of the Internet has been waiting anxiously for me to announce the winners of Cookie for Your Thoughts. Let's give a round of applause to Elizabeth and Hulk! I delivered Hulk's cookies yesterday (remember we went to elementary school together?) and Elizabeth will get hers when she comes home this weekend. 

(Can you believe Hulk didn't think I was seriously going to bake him cookies? As if. Cookies are no joking matter.)

I had no idea what responses - if any - I'd get when I offered up the challenge nine days ago ... but I applaud these two brave souls both for their perseverance in commenting (I've discovered it's not easy and I'm still working on it!) and for getting their words out there.

An acrostic from Elizabeth:
My favorite!

Offers opportunities for missing your cooking
Kisses (and hugs) are your return for baking
It's as
Easy as that
Say yes
! <3

And from Hulk 2.0:

There was a blog-er from the 'Naw
Who wanted comments from Y'all
She offered a prize
Chocolate chip would be nize
For a snack on which I would chaw.

This week's offer: High Time for Pie

Happy Monday!


  1. Seriously. You all should comment. Who can pass up free pie? I ask you?

  2. So, Hulk ... are you thankful for cookies? Or the promise of pie? The opportunity to read my shiny posts? :) I need thankful thoughts to share on Thursday! (pretty please with chocolate chips on top)

    Too ... are you having trouble posting? I've heard from a few friends that they're having difficulty.

  3. No trouble posting...

    I am thankful that my daughter survived her parents' divorce without too much crap to deal with. She is still a very happy child, doing great in school, with lots of friends. I am thankful for her happiness. Anything else is icing on the cookies...

    And I don't need to get pie, too...the cookies are great.

  4. Thank you, thankful Hulk. Also, now I know why you don't need pie. I think I need that recipe for sour cream apple pie that you just mentioned on ByeByePie!

  5. Is Dooley waiting for some pie, or just sitting there looking good? Speaking of pie, I sure enjoyed the pecan pie and pumpkin pie with special nut topping, and I'm sure the apple pie is good too. It has to be with those home grown apples. Those pies are ever good the next day. YUMMM Feed the dog! Jake


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