I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Coloring a new week

I always loved this mug of colored pencils when I was a kid. Of course it's been replenished a few times since then (though I'm sure some of the same old pencils - now stubs - are still there). But I loved that just about every color of the Prismacolor rainbow was represented. Given a blank piece of paper, that mug of pencils presented wide open illustrative possibilities.

In that respect - the fresh start and wide open possibilities respect - not too unlike Mondays.

I just saw a friend's post on Facebook about how she loves Mondays. Poor friend - she was accused of being sick for voicing this opinion. I almost joined in with that, because in general I'm not a big lover of Mondays. But I do like that part of the new week. I may grumble on Sunday night. And when punching my alarm in the morning that comes wayyyy too soon. But once I get going, I love how everything seems possible in the week that stretches out ahead.

How about you? Are you a Monday lover? Why or why not?

I've been asked to regularly include how-to information for commenting. I'm going to add to the bottom of each post until I'm able to find some other way of putting this on the site (or, ideally, find an easier way for people of all e-abilities to comment). Please COMMENT and let me know if this was helpful! 
1. Directly below the "You may also like"  images just below each post, to the far right of the text that begins "Posted by ..." is text that says "xx comments." Click on that text. It will open up a comment box. I promise.
2. Enter comment.
3. Click on Post Comment button below the box.
4. Select Name/URL. You can enter your name or whatever name you want to be known by. If you have a blog or other Web address (URL), go ahead and enter (then curious commenters and others can go visit yourblog)  ... if not, leave URL blank. You may also select Anonymous ... but it's much more fun to make up a name than be known as Anonymous, don't you think? 

5. Click on Continue. Sometimes, your comment will publish right away.  Sometimes, the system is stubborn and you'll see some text that says something like "Blogger was not able to publish your comment" or similar. So click on Post Comment again. It will take ... or it will bring up a box with squiggly letters. If your comment appears on the page - you're done!
6. If you get the squiggly letters, enter them in the box. This is protection against spam. I think you'll be prompted to click "Enter" or something similar. Your comment will appear on the page, and you are done.

1 comment:

  1. I love Monday's. But, then again I love Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's, Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's. Each day a new challenge and a new beginning.


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