I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where, where, where did the weekend - and twinkly lights - go?

Don't you just hate saying goodbye to Christmas?

Me, too. I think it should last all year. Twinkly lights, decorations, cookies, holiday cheer ... But mostly, the spirit of the season. I wish that would last all year long.

And weekends. I wish weekends would last longer, too. Two days is clearly not enough time to fully relax and recharge.

I have nothing profound to share tonight. I was just feeling bad that I hadn't posted all weekend, and Sharon has been lamenting that she had to take all her decorations down and that made me think about that, too (and the fact that mine will stay up until at least March) and that here it is almost 11:00 on Sunday night and once again I'm wondering WHERE the weekend went?

Well, that's all I have. Except ... when do you undecorate? Are you one of those take-the-tree-down-the-day-after-Christmas people? Or do you wait until all the needles drop off?

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  1. Many of our interior decorations were down before New Year's, and pretty much done by Jan. 2. Now they are sitting in boxes on the garage floor waiting for me to climb up to the attic to put them away. As for the exterior, well, I probably should have done that this weekend, but as you say, where do the weekends go? Just don't look at the poor, toppled over reindeer...

  2. I would get er done but for our ADD roommate!

  3. Ours are still up - no ETA for taking them down. We used to be really bad at our cabin. I have a picture of my son finding Easter eggs under the Christmas tree!

  4. Oh, that's awesome, Scott. I would love to see that photo. Can you put it on FB? I think my mom left ours up once until Easter. It was pretty much needle-free by then. I always thought that was really cool. I think the longest I've left ours up was end of February, but this year it'll be longer unless someone else takes it down.

    Jake - I do NOT have ADD.

    Scott Mac - oh, so sad. How can you take the stuff down even before Epiphany? And when are you bringing me babies and beer??

  5. I put the photo on FB. Luckily ours was a fake tree - still looked good at Easter!


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