I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Next steps

er ... so to speak. No walking or driving for another six weeks, but we're moving forward in the healing process. 

Today I went to see the surgeon for my follow-up visit. He removed the splinty thing and issued me a fancy CAM (controlled ankle motion) boot that I can take off for bed and to shower. Hooray! I read a blog post of another broken-ankle survivor, who likened the feeling of having the splint removed to the vulnerability of a soft-shelled crab. I was thinking hermit crab when molting (we had a big hermit crab that lived for five year ... he was so big because he ate the other crabs when they molted).

As soon as we got home, DOCTOR John took photos. Some attractive bits of fur clung to my leg from the interior of the splinty thing. After the photo shoot, I went in and washed and washed and then shaved. Ohhhhhhhhhhh that felt so good! What a wonderful surprise. Everyone told me I'd get a cast. I was mentally preparing myself for a cast and six more weeks of showering with a garbage bag on my leg.

After working for a few hours, I accompanied the family to Sammy's birthday party. Sharon is getting a little less nervous about me going out. But she still wouldn't let me go in the basement to play hockey and see all the kids' Christmas toys. Sammy got out his tool kit and worked on the boot for a bit. After the boys got tired of lunging at me so they could enjoy watching me lift my foot up high and out of the danger zone, I spent the rest of the evening in a safe corner and people brought me food and wine and cake.

Here's the medial aspect. I apologize for showing the photo with the fur, but it shows a better view than the clean-leg photo. The two holes right below the ankle area are where two titanium screws were inserted. The scratch above? Well, that was a little damage caused by the broken tibia. We'll just leave it at that. But this is why the surgeon couldn't make an incision there. Typically, there would be an incision on both sides with the procedure I had (ORIF).

Here's the lateral view. 

Well, big day today. I'm worn out. Tomorrow is recipe day! I like having a plan. Now I need to get on a schedule again. I'll start that tomorrow. Maybe.

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