I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank goodness it's Furrrrrrrrriday!

I'm hoping to visit my home and Claudette, my furry former roommate, later today. Do you have any idea what it's like to be uprooted unexpectedly from your home and most of your life for an undetermined amount of time? To be sure, it would be sooooo easy to sit back and relax and rest and take a vacation here at my sister's. I'm getting wonderful care. But you know what they say about fish and house guests? Hmmm, yeah.

I've come to the conclusion that I need a life coach. You know, like Rory's roommate Paris has on Gilmore Girls? Someone to just sort of take over and tell me what to do. Figure out my stuff. Organize me. Take over my finances. Manage all those details that I do not manage well.

I try to "give it all to the Lord," I really do. But I think what that means in practical, everyday reality is realizing I can't "do it all" myself. And that lots of things need to go so I can do some things well - the things I'm meant to do. Whatever those are. And to connect and collaborate fully with others - sharing and helping and accepting help. There's a careful balance. This is some of what I'm processing.

Here I am angsting about myself and my puny struggles even while watching the news about Haiti. (That's one new thing here ... I'm watching the news at least twice a day.) This morning I saw - and heart went out to - the young woman who was air-lifted to Miami after having her leg crushed in the rubble of a crumbling building. And those poor Haitian people - already so devastatingly poor, having endured so much for so long. And now this.

I look back on my 100+ shiny ponderings over the last year and see a common thread ... even when random and frivolously silly or thoughtful on matters of faith, I'm seeking balance. Because when I'm in balance I'm not contributing to imbalance elsewhere. And I can perhaps be a part of tilting things beyond myself in the right direction.

Thoughts? Please do share in the comment area below. And have a wonderful day.

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