I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Garbage day

Over in the neighborhood where I grew up, the place where my dad's house is, Monday is garbage day. For the past 2-1/2+ years, I've been going over there on the weekends and whenever I can to sort through a lifetime of memories and the assorted accompanying flotsam and jetsam. Sharon and John often joined me, as thankfully they did yesterday.

After four hours of boxing and hauling, I was surprised that this was all we put out at the road for the garbage pickup. We each took a carload of "family stuff" to our respective homes and there's a smallish pile for Goodwill in the garage.


Believe it or not, we're nearing the end of this project, and are collectively shocked that we never did need to get a Dumpster. The basement still has many stacks of wood in various species and shapes and sizes ... but John decided new owners can use it for woodworking projects or firewood.

We've done our best to minimize the amount of junk going to the landfill, and I'm proud of that. Someone will very likely pick up those two lamps, as they have other household items we've put by the road. They'll live a new life or have parts salvaged. Some time ago, we took a few carloads of dad's assorted paints and solvents and other related items to hazardous waste collection. (An impressive collection of still-good thinners and solvents remains in the workshop.) John took a giant van load of metal to the scrap metal place. The local Habitat ReStore, Goodwill and Partnership Center, plus some churches and schools have been recipients of truckloads and carloads of other items. Family and friends have helped with the rest. (And Craig's List and eBay.)

This weekend was packed - something squeezed into every nook and cranny. But unlike some weekends of that sort, I feel mostly ready to face the new week. In large part, I think, due to the progress that has been made in areas - like dad's house - that have been weighing me down for so long. It's like the garbage is moving out of the way, making room for new and wonderful things. But not things exactly.

In other news, today is Misty's first day at her new job. Gonna miss her. I think y'all already know that though.

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