I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I was just looking through my photos to find one that spoke "freedom" or "independence" to me. This one is from our short trip to a friend's place on the Au Sable in Grayling early last week. Lizz and I had hoped to canoe but chickened out due to the wind and temps in the 60s. In the shade. Brrr. Some Midwesterners we are.

We chose to hike some trails in nearby Hartwick Pines instead. And we squeezed in plenty of reading, napping, movie-watching and Skip-Bo-playing.

There are so many freedoms I take for granted every day. I can read what I want. Wear what I want. Worship freely when and where I want. That only scratches the surface, I know.

Our pastor and his family are from Zimbabwe. Actually, their country was called Rhodesia when they moved to the United States decades ago. Most of their children and grandchildren have grown up in the U.S. but one daughter is in Africa with her family. A few months back, they sought refuge in South Africa and there they remain, uprooted, homeless and uncertain of what lies ahead. Here, in the safety of this country, it is hard to imagine what they face every day. I know, too, that I cannot comprehend the depth of the concern felt by family members on this side of the Atlantic. These are people of great faith, to be sure, so I wouldn't say they are worried. But I'm certain they cry out to God in prayer for the safety of their loved ones.

I knew we'd sing some patriotic songs at church today, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the quartet who treated us to this hymn, now one of my favorites:

Today and every day, I am grateful to the men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces. To those who have risked, and given, their lives for the love of our nation. I am grateful to all those who work for peace in ways big and small.

Thank you.

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