I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Baby steps

I decided to join NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) last night to challenge myself to post more frequently. Because goodness knows, I'm not doing a very good job pushing myself along to get in the daily habit.

The last time I promised to post daily, I think I came close - but my grand plans of earning ad revenue to help Lizz replace a lost scholarship came to a screeching halt when I unintentionally violated AdSense rules.

Oops. Dang it.

Then, fairly regular posting after my Christmas Break helped me keep a little piece of my sanity during a difficult time. This was my connection with the outside world.

Now, 160 posts after I started this blog thing, I'm still figuring out what I'm doing out here. I'm not outrageously hilarious, tech-savvy, hugely talented, brilliant, polished or connected like June Gardens, Dooce, Pioneer Woman, Mighty Girl or Chookooloonks - just some of the bloggers I follow regularly.

I'm me.

And for the rest of July I'm going to be here every day with something to say. Lord help us.

OK. Shiny moment: Isn't Friday EVENING of the 4th of July weekend an odd time to resurface the church parking lot across the street from my house? I thought so.

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