I kin explain

Did that post you just read make you go "huh?????" I kin explain. Maybe.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Playing with food

I love that vegetables can be nutritious, educational and FUN.

I'm pretty sure that when I first read about Patty Pan - they're sort of like zucchini/yellow summer squash (only cuter and more squatty) - it was in an issue of Martha Stewart Living. No, really. Martha was putting together some ridiculously elaborate but down-to-earth gathering and all the guests were getting their own stuffed Patty Pans. I thought that was just precious.

When I picked these up at the Farmers Market, I was surprised at how many people didn't know what they were or how to prepare them. I asked a little girl standing near me if she knew what they were called, and her mom piped up that they were "squash, honey." So I leaned down and said, "Yes - squash with a fun name: Patty Pan." She giggled. Her mom then said she'd always wondered what they were and how to prepare them. So I told her: just like you would zucchini.

There were originally three Patty Pan, cuz they always have three-fer deals at the market. I gave one to Misty. She and I had gone to the market at lunch. When we went back to the office, Denise did this:

And G did this:

Oh! So remember the cabbage I fell in love with last week? When we went to the market yesterday, my friends Marilyn and John had another lovely selection of foofy leafy cabbages. I know I'd already picked one up the day before but look at this magnificent specimen:

Wrestling it into a bag to take home was no easy task, let me tell you.

This was not exactly what I'd envisioned for the veggie display I was going to do for John's 60th bash last night, but it's close (we ended up putting some ice cubes in the crater I carved out and set a glass dish of dill dip in the center).

To the lower left of the cabbage-y dip vessel you can see the Southwestern pasta salad that ended up taking more of my time to prepare than I'd intended. It wasn't terribly popular since several people brought really incredible food. Cindy just went crazy. I lost track of all the platters and baskets and dishes of yummy-ness she and her husband toted in.

Ohhhh ... just remembered. Post-party days always mean lots of leftovers. There's a pie I didn't try last night. Hmmm...

Gotta go wake the kid now so we can get ready for church.

Have a great day!

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